The comfort measures and over-the-counter medications listed below are safe to take during pregnancy. Please discuss all prescription medicines with your physician at your first prenatal visit.

If you are unsure about a medication you take regularly, please contact us at 816-931-9344 prior to discontinuing that medication. Take all medications according to the manufacturer’s directions listed on the bottle unless otherwise directed by your physician.

We recommend that you discontinue any herbal remedy use during your pregnancy and breastfeeding. There has been no testing of effects of medicinal herb use during pregnancy. 

+ ANTIHISTAMINES: Allegra, Benadryl, Claritin, Zyrtec

+ BACKACHE: Heating pad (do not sleep on pad and only use on a medium setting for no more than 20 minutes), massage, warm bath, Tylenol (up to 1000mg every 6hrs).

+ COUGH/COLD/CONGESTION: Humidifier, increase fluids, saline nasal spray, Mucinex, Robitussin DM

+ DIARRHEA: “BRAT” diet: bananas, rice, applesauce, toast – Stay hydrated.

+ INDIGESTION/HEARTBURN: Avoid spicy or greasy foods and large meals at bedtime. Avoid lying down for 30 minutes after eating. Tums, Pepcid. 

+ NOSEBLEEDS: Cold cloth to nose with pressure, humidifier, apply Vaseline/Aquaphor 

+ INSOMNIA: Warm relaxing baths, lavender/vanilla sleep lotion, avoid screen time in bed, Benadryl, Unisom (doxylamine succinate) 

+ SORE THROAT: Warm salt water gargles, cepachol lozenges, Chloraseptic Spray, Tylenol 

+ RASH/ITCHING SKIN: Caladryl, Benadryl, Oatmeal baths and lotions, Cool showers and baths